Automated test system

Master thesis

This Master’s thesis focuses on the creation of an automated test system

to measure hand-operated short-stroke keys to ensure and enhance qual-

ity standards. The developed measuring system enables haptic data from

automotive control units to be recorded and analyzed.

The first theoretical part of the thesis introduces the methods used to

develop the system in a structured and efficient way (V-Model). The subse-

quent sections provide the definition of the term haptics and a description

of short-stroke key followed by a comparison of different force-distance mea-

suring systems leading the conclusion that only a costumized solution could

meet the specified requirements.

The practical part of the thesis is dedicated to the actual application

of the previously introduced structured development approach. The aim

is to create a system consisting of three linear axes which are moved by

stepper motors. A force sensor will measure the applied force with its signals

being increased by an operational amplifier. The control of the motors

as well as the data acquisition will be done using LabVIEW. The created

measuring system makes it possible to measure the force-distance of any

short-stroke key used in automotive control units. In this thesis the device

under investigation is an Audi MMI.

The tests are to determine if the push buttons are within the Audi spec-

ifications, which influence the test position has on the haptic curve, which

influence the push velocity has and which influence the temperature of the

device has. The final chapter summarizes the findings of the thesis and offers

suggestions of how to further improve the measuring system.


June 6, 2023

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